Wednesday 24 July 2013

Welcome back to school. This term our concept is 'Enterprise' with a key understanding of ' Dream big and make it happen'. On Tuesday, we have an ignition day between morning tea and lunch, where children get a better understanding of the 'enterprise' concept whilst participating in a number of fun activities.

Our new furniture has arrived and the rooms look quite different. Children will have their own tote trays to put their books, pens and pencils in.

Teacher Only Day is on Monday 29th of July. School will commence on Tuesday 30th of July at 8.45am. The classroom opens at 8.30am so that children can get their equipment ready for the first lesson of the day.

Pens, pencils and rulers: Children use these items every day during their learning. Many children no longer have any equipment and constantly need to borrow what they need. Please ensure that your child has the necessary equipment at school this term. All equipment should be named so that it can be returned to the correct owner should it be left behind in class.

Pie Warmer Day on Thursdays this term. Bring along something to heat for your lunch. Please wrap the food in tin foil so that it can be heated in the oven.

Homework has been set. Please click on the tab on the home page.

Portfolios, Mid-year reports and Religious Education Learning Journals will arrive home on Friday, week 1. Please return portfolios and RE Learning Journals in week 2, before parent interviews. During the interviews, teachers will refer to the contents of the portfolio.

Teacher/Parent Interviews will be in week 2. Further details on how to book will be in this weeks newsletter.

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