Saturday 30 November 2013

Week 8 Notices

Thank you to all children and parents who helped with the Santa Parade float in the weekend. You all looked great on and around the float.

Swimming: Room 14 will be swimming this week, including Golden Time on Friday.

Library Books: There are still a number of outstanding books. Please ensure all library books are returned as soon as possible.

Sun Hats: All children are to wear sun hats when outside. We have a large number of un-named sun hats in class. Please ensure that all clothing is named so that we can return clothing to the owners.

Picnic: Next week Friday 13th at school. We will be having shared lunch combined for Rooms 14 and 15 as well. More information will be posted next week.

Have a great week.

Sunday 24 November 2013

Week 7 Notices

Room 15 will be swimming this week.

All books are to be returned by the 27th of November. We will still visit the library this week although no new books can be issued.

Sun Hats:
These are to be worn during all breaks. Please ensure hats are named.

New homework has been set for the next two weeks.

Parent meeting (IT for years 3 and 4 next year):
Tuesday at 6.30pm.

Santa Parade:
We would like as many children involved as possible on the float. Please let the office know if you are able to come. There was also a notice about the float in the last newsletter if you require more information.

End of Year Picnic:
This will be held at school on Friday 13th of December. Activities will be organised throughout the day. We will also be having a shared lunch that day.

Thursday 21 November 2013



Tomorrow is Athletics Day.  Please have your child at Rotorua Stadium by no later than 8.45 am.
Children are to met their class teacher at the stadium.

Please ensure that your child has the following:

  • Sunscreen
  • Sunhat
  • Lunch / Morning tea
  • Plenty of water
  • P.E gear
(Sausage sizzle is available, give the money to the class teacher in the morning).

Children to be picked up at 2.30 pm from the Stadium.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Week 6

Week 6

It was great to see so many Grandparents and Parents at school on Friday.  We are very lucky to have such supportive people in our community. 

A big thank you to all those who contributed to our shared lunch on Friday.  We had a lovely farewell for Sam from Room14 and Cody from Room 15.  We wish you boys all the best.

Just a reminder that hats need to be worn at playtime and lunchtime everyday.  We all need to be Sun Smart and protect ourselves from the sun's harmful rays. 


Swimming :
Room 14

9.45-10.30   Athletics practise on field.  (Bring your P.E gear)

10:45am-12:45pm» Year 3/4 Enrichment class trip to Museum

8.45               Singing in the hall

9.45-10.30   Athletics practise on field.  (Bring your P.E gear)

Library- remember to return your books so you can issue new ones.  Also look at home for any overdue library books.

Inter House Athletics - Senior and Middle School
  • Being held at the Athletic Track at the Stadium. 
  • We ask that parents/caregivers drop their child at the athletic track by 8.45am on Friday 22nd November.
  • If you are able to assist on the day please advise Lizzy, our sports co-ordinator(THERE WILL BE MORE INFORMATION LATER ON IN THE WEEK).

Home Reading: Due on Friday. Please ensure your books are returned so that new ones can be issued.

Homework: Homework to be handed in on Friday of this week.

This week the school is hosting some community meetings.  The discussion will be on some aspects of our charter and also e-learning developments for the school for next year.  The meetings will be held in Room 15 and are scheduled for:

Wednesday 20 November          General Meeting     3.15 pm 
                                                    Whanau Group       5.30 pm  

Thursday 21 November              General Meeting     8.45 am (meeting in Hall)          
                                                    Filipino Community  3.15 pm
                                                    Pasifika Fono         5.30 pm
                                                    General Meeting    7.00pm

Tuesday 26  November              Indian Community   6.30 pm

There is a range of times, anyone is welcome to attend any meeting time slot that suits.  It would be good if everyone could try to come to a meeting particularly parents of children who are currently in Year 2 or 3.  This is because the school is planning to allow students in Year 3/4 in 2014 to bring a Chromebook to school if they wish (probably from start of Term 2).




Sunday 10 November 2013

Week 5 Notices

Swimming: Room 15

Library: Wednesday

Home Reading: Due on Friday. Please ensure your books are returned so that new ones can be issued.

Grandparent's Mass: Friday at 9am. Please invite your grandparents to attend.

Homework: New homework has been set for two weeks.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Week 4 Notices

Andrew Chin: Andrew Chin will be at our school on Tuesday. Children will be singing with Andrew at various times during the day. There will be a concert at 6.30 - 7.30pm at St Mary's Church. Children are to meet their teacher on the school field at 6.15pm.

Swimming: Room 14 will be swimming every day this week.

Library: Wednesday

Home Reading: Due on Friday. Please make sure children read every day.

Homework: Due this Friday. It's great to see some posters already arriving.

The Health Promoting Schools team are organising a Fruit Friday on Friday 8 November, to encourage students to bring fresh fruit and veges in their lunchbox each day.

Students are invited to bring a piece of fruit or raw vegetable to the collection box (outside the hall by the Junior Playground) before school on Friday. Some of the parents on the Health Promoting Schools team will then prepare the fruit and veges for shared platters which will be available outside the hall at morning tea time. Please send a piece of fruit or a vegetable that can be eaten raw (e.g. carrot/ celery/tomato/broccoli/ cauliflower) to school on Friday if you are able to. Thank you.