Friday 27 September 2013

Our innocent/guilty goldilocks debating

Today we had a debating session about goldilocks being a criminal or being innocent. We were put into 2 groups and the guilty team won!

Wednesday 25 September 2013


Orders for Calendar Art need to be into the school office by this Friday.  If you wish to view your child's art it is in a green folder in the classroom.  Your child will show you where it is.

Reading!! A reading log will be sent home with your child this week.  They are encouraged to read over the holidays and record what they have read, it also needs to be signed by an adult.  If every student in their class returns their reading log after the holidays, there will be a special reward for that class. 
It is so important to keep up with the reading as students can fall behind if they have two weeks of no reading.  Maybe schedule a trip to the town library in the holidays.

Poetry Finals

Today we had the Middle School Poetry Finals.  Well done to all the students who participated in  the finals.  I would not have liked to have been the judge as they were all so good and there was only 1 point difference separating the winners in the Year 4 category.  The children spoke so confidently and they all had memorised their poems.  An amazing effort by all. You should all feel proud.
Jasmine First Place in Year 4 Poetry Recitals.
Lawrence Third Place in Year 4 Poetry Recitals
Troy Year 4 Poetry Finalist
Nevis Year 3 Poetry Finalist
Joshua B Poetry Finalist.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Week 9 Notices

A big THANK YOU to all those parents and grandparents who have helped out in our classrooms this term. You have made such a huge difference to our children's learning. Many activities would not be possible without your help.

Poetry Finals: This Wednesday at 11.00am in the hall. Families most welcome. Those children who have gone through to the finals have been told on Friday. Congratulations to all children for giving poetry recitals a go.

Children's work from the enterprise concept will be on display in the hall on Wednesday after the poetry finals and after school until 4.00pm.

Pie Warmer Day: Thursday

Library: Wednesday

Homework and Home Reading due on Friday.

Congratulations to all children for working so hard this term. Miss Andrews and Mrs Nieuwboer are very proud of you all.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Week 8 Notices

Pie Warmer Day on Thursday. Please bring food wrapped in tin foil.

Library on Wednesday.

Homework is due this Friday 20th of September.

Home Reading: All books are to be returned on Fridays so that a new set of books can be organised for the following week.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Week 7

Week 7 Notices
There are still lots of colds and flus going around, please remember to talk to your child about basic hygiene and if they are sick please keep them at home.

Enterprising Topic work This Week 
Activities are on Tuesday (afternoon) and Wednesday (Middle block).

Singing Practice
8.45 Wednesday

Class Library
This Wednesday afternoon we have class library, please remember to return your library books so you can issue new ones.

Pie Warmer Day
This Thursday, children may bring something to heat for lunch. All items must be wrapped in tin foil at home, with their names clearly written on it.

Golden Time on Friday
Hide and Seek with Cameras.

 !!!!!!!REMINDERS !!!!!!
Practise your poem for Poetry Recitals.

Children doing Home Reading remember to read your books and return them to school on Friday.

Friday 6 September 2013

Sunday 1 September 2013

Week 6

Week 6 Notices
Enterprising Topic work This Week 
Activities are on Tuesday (afternoon) and Wednesday (Middle block).

Singing Practice
8.45 Wednesday

Class Library
This Wednesday afternoon we have class library, please remember to return your library books so you can issue new ones.

Pie Warmer Day
This Thursday, children may bring something to heat for lunch. All items must be wrapped in tin foil at home, with their names clearly written on it.

Birth of Mary Mass
9.00am at the church.  All are welcome.

Golden Time on Friday
Milk carton folding competition
Who can fold their carton the fastest???

 !!!!!!!REMINDERS !!!!!!
    Children doing Home Reading remember to read your books and return them to school on Friday.
    Sports registration forms for summer sports are to be handed in as soon as possible.