Thursday 30 May 2013

Gardening bottles

We made little gardening bottles and put soil in them then
Mrs Whibly helped us hang
Up our gardening bottles up on the side of the fence. And this is our new green house as well it keeps the new plants warm and keeps them safe from predators.

Caitlin's recycled art!

Today Caitlin brung in her piece of recycled art! She made a super sized robot for her home work!

Monday 27 May 2013

Troy's recycled wall-E

Look at the recycled wall-E that Troy made for homework.

Sunday 26 May 2013

Week 4 Term 2

Homework is due in on Thursday. Keep bringing in your recycled art as you finish it, there are some great examples in class already. We will be making our recycled gardens this week, if you have any lids for plastic fizzy drink bottles they would be much appreciated.

Wednesday: Ice cream for sale at lunchtime. $1 or $2 cones being sold to help raise money for R1 trip to Wingspan.
Thursday: Homework due, Library - bring your books to change. WARMER DAY - bring something wrapped in tinfoil to heat up for lunch.
Friday: School closed - teacher only day.

** Monday of week 5 is Queens birthday holiday so school is closed.

Please keep Hemi's Nan and Tara Chapman in your prayers.

Friday 24 May 2013

Chalk drawing

Today for Goldentime we had a chalk drawing competition.
This drawing is the winner - Congratulations.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Building a green house.

Today Mrs Edwards, Mrs Blundell and Mrs Kemp helped us put together our new greenhouse. It was a big job but we really appreciate their help.

Tuesday 21 May 2013


The lunchtime disco will now be held on June 12th, not tomorrow.

Sunday 19 May 2013

Week 3 Notices

Thank you for all the empty coke and lemonade bottles that have been sent to school. These will be used to make a sustainable garden over the next few weeks.

Homework: New homework has been set on the blog. Please encourage children to complete their homework and hand it in on time. Spelling lists will be added to the homework this week. On Monday, children will be told which spelling list they need to learn.

Disco: Wednesday at lunch time organised by the Young Vinnies (12.40 - 1.15pm). Children can change into mufti for the disco if they wish, but they do need to wear their school uniform for the rest of the day. A gold coin donation please.

On Thursday 23 May, we have a Teacher Only Day. Sorry, no pie warmer day this week. Children can bring precooked food packed in tin foil next week Thursday.

Friday 24th is Mufti Day and children are asked to bring a gold coin donation. The proceeds go to Tara Chapman and her family.

Please name your child's jersey as we seem to be collecting quite a number of items already. If clothing is not named and is left lying around, we send the items to the lost property box located outside Room 6.

Saturday 18 May 2013

Saturday learning in Auckland

On Saturday eleven teachers from St Mary's attended a Google conference to see how we can use Google Apps in classes.

- Posted using BlogPress from our iPad

Thursday 16 May 2013

Warmer day

Today we brought some food in to class to be warmed up in our oven. We read "The experiment" written by Diana Noonan. We can bring things like chocolate chip cookies, pizza, mini donuts, sausage rolls, pies, burritos, muffins, sausages, fish and chips, cup cakes, chocolate crunch or pre-cooked burgers.
We can't wait for lunchtime.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Planting our seeds.

Today we went to the gardens and got some soil for thyme and chives.Then Alistair and Kassidy poked holes in the soil and we put the seeds in to grow. Hopefully we will see some shoots soon.

Monday 13 May 2013

X Country running

Today we did cross country training for our cross country in the redwoods on Wednesday. To train we run around the field for 10 minutes and when we run around the field we get a mark on our hand which our teacher gives to us. After that we all go inside to count up all of our marks and total up all the laps we have done altogether. We have 811 laps altogether and we are trying to get 1000 laps.

Sunday 12 May 2013

Week 2 Term 2

We hope all Mothers had a lovely day with their families on Sunday.

What is coming up?

Children will be released from the hall at 3pm as the Middle Team teachers need to be at Mamaku for a meeting straight after school.

X Country day from 12pm at the Redwoods. Children come to school as normal in the morning and then they will be transported by parents to the Redwoods. If you can help with transport or as a Marshall and you haven't told your child's teacher could you please let us know.

We expect to be finished by 2.30 and parents can pick their children up directly from the Redwoods, near the Visitors’ Centre, or from school at 3pm. In case of bad weather please check the school website for cancellations.

Rooms, 6,7 and 8 are holding a cake stall to raise funds for their trip to the Star Lab, bring along a gold coin to buy some yummy cakes.

We will be starting Warmer Day on Thursday. Students in R14/15 can bring along something to warm up in the oven to eat at lunchtime. Whatever is brought needs to be wrapped in tinfoil and it will only be warmed not cooked! Some ideas - cookies, cupcakes, toasted sandwiches (pre-made), sausages (pre-cooked) and anything else the children think might be yummy warmed up.

Pentecost mass at 9am in the Church.
Homework books due in!!!

Thursday 9 May 2013


Today we went to feed the chickens and also pulled all of the weeds. There were lots of weeds. There were some helpers called Caeli and Gracie were the helpers with the chickens Gracie got the food and also the water form the tap. And Caeli saw if there were any eggs in the chicken house.

Monday 6 May 2013

Sustainability Ignition

Today the whole middle school had something that helps us to figure out what our concept is. We all had to do things like- How long can you make a minty wrapper go? How long can you suck on a minty? How long can you sit on the wall?How long can you balance on one leg? How long can you balance a balloon on your finger? How long will it take not to blink? How far can you blow a feather in one breath? And my favourite because I won, How long can you cut a piece of paper? It was really really fun!

Sunday 5 May 2013

Week 1 term 2

Welcome back, we hope you have had a relaxing break and are ready for a busy term.

Remember to get your reading logs back so you are entered in the draw.

Our concept this term is "Sustainability."

All children need to be in winter uniform and they also need PE uniform every day for X Country training.

Homework has been posted on the blog (see the homework page).

Have a great week.