Saturday 30 March 2013

Week 10 Notices

School begins on Wednesday 3 April at 8.45am. Term 1 ends on Friday 19 April.

Children will be swimming on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Please ensure that they have their swimming gear with them.

If your child wishes to play winter sports, please ask them for the notices that were sent home last week. Thank you to those who have sent the notices back so promptly.

Middle school teachers will be holding a reading information evening on Wednesday 10 April from 5.30 - 6.00pm. At this meeting, we aim to give parents tips and advice on how to help their child read at home. This meeting is especially beneficial for parents who have a child that finds reading challenging.

Thursday 28 March 2013

World Education Day!

Today Bradley won a certificate for World Maths Day, he got over 200 points and got distinction. We thought that he was pretty good at maths. By Charlie and Eliotte.

An amazing artist's retelling of the Easter story.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Stations of the cross

Today we had Stations of the Cross day to celebrate when Jesus died on Good Friday and rose on Easter Sunday.

Sunday 24 March 2013

Week 9 events

No swimming this week. Wednesday: Stations of the Cross Liturgy at 10am. Thursday: Library (Please make sure everyone is bringing their books to change). Friday: School closed for Easter. Please note school opens on Wednesday next week. Have a holy week as we lead up to Easter. Regards, Mr J. & Mrs N.

Friday 22 March 2013

Jesus parade

Today the whole school had a parade and Callum Barker was Jesus. He was riding a donkey just like Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem. We were all dressed up in clothes like Jesus.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Eucharistic prayer

Today during RE Kyla used IMovie on the ipad to record this prayer.


We have been practicing and refining our swimming strokes. Here is a video to help us see the mechanics of swimming strokes.

Monday 18 March 2013

Birds nest

This is a birds nest. The house it was found at was a house that had four cats, unfortunately the mother bird got eaten. A couple of days later the birds starved and died. You can see the beaks of the birds in the picture below if you look closely.

Sunday 17 March 2013

What's coming up this week?

Swimming all week.
Monday: R 15 visiting the Life Ed. truck.
Thursday: Library.
Friday: Palm Sunday procession at school.

Check the homework tab for tasks to be completed at home.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Alex the art teacher

This afternoon Alex was helping Hemi to paint a self portrait. Mrs Kemp and Mr James both agreed that Alex is indeed a very good teacher.

Sunday 10 March 2013

Week 7 in Rooms 14 & 15

Monday:R15 has a visit to the Life Ed. truck.
Thursday: School closes at 12:30 for Teacher's union meetings.
Friday: St Josephs Mass, room14 visits the Life Ed. truck. Homework books to be back at school.

We will try to sneak to the library at some stage as we won't be able to go on Thursday afternoon. Keep an eye on the blog for day and time.
Thanks to the parents who helped at the swimming sports, it was a fun day but wasn't it hot!

Please keep reading every night - Good readers read!!!

Could you please have a hunt around home for any school reading books, there has been a lot less coming back than have been going home.

Friday 8 March 2013

Swimming sports

Today we had our Swimming sports at The Aquatic centre.
Here is a photo taken by Isabellas's Mum.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Word Maths day!

Today it was World Maths day. We spent almost all day on the computer doing it. Great fun!

Sunday 3 March 2013

Parent meeting this week

This is ad from our school newsletter from Mrs Rush (Director of RE)

Friday 1 March 2013

School Gala

After the gala

Would you believe it the tables went back past our classroom today

Thinking about solving maths problems

We have been using this strategy chart to help us solve word problems in maths. Thanks Grace H. for making it for us.